Tips for growing peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

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Tips for growing peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Many gardeners growing peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Because pepper is one popular vegetable in the human diet. This vegetable has excellent taste qualities, and contains a large amount of nutrients. For example, this vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin A. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. In addition, pepper contains a large amount of elastic fibers, which have a beneficial effect on skin condition.

pepper seedlings in a greenhouse
pepper seedlings in a greenhouse

Today, thanks to the active development of agriculture, there are a huge number of different varieties of pepper. They differ from each other in size, shape, color, growing conditions. It is difficult for a novice gardener to choose a variety that will take root well in our climatic conditions. Pepper belongs to rather fastidious and capricious plants. Experienced summer residents prefer to grow this crop in greenhouse conditions. There you can create the necessary temperature and humidity.

Experience shows that it is better to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse for growing peppers. This material is of synthetic origin. For its manufacture, only environmentally friendly components are used that do not have a toxic effect on human health. Through polycarbonate, a sufficient amount of sunlight and heat penetrates into the greenhouse. Greenhouse cultivation of pepper has its own secrets, following which you can grow a decent crop of this crop.

The secrets of growing peppers in a greenhouse

The secrets of growing peppers in a greenhouse
The secrets of growing peppers in a greenhouse

In no case should peppers be planted in clayey cold soil. This plant prefers sandy soil mixed with humus.Remember that you should not plant peppers after cucumbers. They consume a large amount of useful trace elements from the soil that peppers may need. Before planting a crop, you should carefully fertilize the soil. Plants need potassium and phosphorus for normal growth and development. Potassium has a positive effect on the ground part of the plant. It strengthens the leaves and stem of the pepper, giving them a green color.

Phosphorus is necessary for the formation of a powerful root. The root system is the fundamental part of any plant. It is through the root that the greatest amount of nutrients and moisture contained in the soil is absorbed. To fertilize the soil, it is better to use folk remedies. Humus, manure, peat and wood ash have proven themselves well.

Pepper seedlings begin to grow in February. For greenhouse cultivation of pepper, it is better to choose varieties with the shortest ripening period. So in one season you can get several crops of this vegetable. As a rule, manufacturers indicate on the packaging the basic rules that you should follow when growing this variety.

You should disinfect all seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting. It will destroy possible pathogens on the seeds. Seeds are planted in plastic pots. It is necessary to observe a sufficient level of lighting, humidity and temperature.

peppers in polycarbonate greenhouse
Peppers in polycarbonate greenhouse

When the plants reach a height of at least 5 cm, you can transplant them into your greenhouse. The beds should be located at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. The basic rules for growing peppers in greenhouses include maintaining sufficient soil moisture and moderate lighting levels. It is necessary to water only with warm water in the morning or evening. It is better to use drip irrigation. Light day for pepper should be at least 12 hours a day.

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