gardening tips

In this section you will find valuable gardening tips. Helpful tips for gardeners and farmers to make gardening easier. Proven tips for gardeners will allow you to get rich harvests.

Step-by-Step Guide to Saving Tomato Seeds

gardening tips, seed, tomato
Step-by-Step Guide to Saving Tomato Seeds
Have you ever encountered a situation where the seeds you bought do not germinate well or produce fruits that are completely different from those stated by the manufacturer? There is only one way out of this situation – save the seeds for sowing yourself! Saving tomato seeds is a rewarding…

Garden Tasks in August

gardening tips, summer garden advices
Garden Tasks in August
Garden tasks in August Pest and disease control Dividing bushes Sowing grass Vegetable garden tasks in August Renewing and arranging plantings August is rightly considered the most difficult month of the season. It is necessary to continue to care for crops that are just beginning to bear fruit, to collect…

Top 4 main gardening mistakes of beginner gardeners

gardening tips
Top 4 main gardening mistakes of novice gardeners
Novice gardeners often make a number of annoying gardening mistakes, and neither the owners of plots located in sunny places, nor the happy owners of plots with good soil are immune from them! What are the most common mistakes of beginner gardeners? (more…)

Top 5 exotic plants to grow in your greenhouse

gardening tips, greenhouse gardening
exotic plants to grow in your greenhouse
Are you already fluent in the technology of growing cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers? Surely, you are devoted to vegetable growing with all your heart, and therefore you will want to grow something more unusual. What about growing artichokes, horned melons, or melon pears? Let’s take a look at TOP-5 exotic…

How to get rid of mole crickets and their larvae in the garden

gardening tips, pest
get rid of mole crickets
One mole cricket (Gryllotalpa, Scapteriscus, Neocurtilla) can completely destroy up to 15 plants per night. The voracious mole cricket larvae cause no less harm than adult individuals. The photo shows how warlike this pest looks. To understand who you will have to deal with, read the description of the insect. After reading…

How and when prune chrysanthemums for the winter?

flowering, gardening tips, winter garden advices
You should prune Chrysanthemums only after the bushes have completely faded, or with the onset of the first serious steady frosts, even if inflorescences still remain on the chrysanthemums. Performe this operation with a sharp instrument disinfected with alcohol or a solution of potassium permanganate. Moreover, if you have several…

How to prepare greenhouse for the fall and for the spring

autumn greenhouse, gardening tips
ClimaPod Greeenhouse Tips: how to prepare greenhouse for the fall and spring season
The greenhouse gives an opportunity to grow heat-loving plants. Or simply get a crop of vegetables much earlier than the weather-climate conditions allow. But the heat that can be combined with the humid microclimate inside the greenhouse can encourage pests and pathogens to thrive. They can safely overwinter and destroy…

Gardening in Small Spaces

gardening tips, year-round growing
Gardening in Small Spaces
Limited Area Gardening Where garden space is very limited (small space gardening), consider wide-row planting of vegetables. Wide-row planting is simply a matter of broadcasting seeds in bands anywhere from 10 in. to 3 or more feet wide instead of a single band on each row. With the wide row system,…

How Home Greenhouses Can Save Your Plants

gardening tips, greenhouse tips
home greenhouses to save your plants
For any person who has an interest in gardening and who has their own plants to grow, getting a greenhouse may be one of the best things they ever do. Home greenhouses have a lot to offer and can make your job of caring for your plants much easier and…

Proper roses trimming for winter

flowering, gardening tips, roses
roses trimming tips
The roses are heat-loving and capricious type of plants. Therefore the roses trimming for winter is necessarily for proper care of them. Every gardener should pay particular attention to this very important procedure. You should trim the roses before you “warm” flowers for the winter frosts. Only this way you…

Building a greenhouse on your country plot

gardening tips, greenhouse assembly
the assembling of ClimaPod Greenhouse Kit
Choosing and building greenhouse for growing vegetables and greens We bet that almost every gardener at least once thought about building greenhouse. If there is free place on the property of your country house then you should do it. Professional installers can build your greenhouse fast and quick and install it on…

How to organize bottle watering for your greenhouse (Part 1)

gardening tips, watering greenhouse, watering plants
bottle watering trick
The gardeners invented many ways to water plants. You can water from a hose in rows using sprinklers or use drip irrigation – bottle watering system. All these ways can be united by the fact that the main material that gardeners use is ordinary plastic cans or bottles. This kind…

Growing the arugula (Eruca sativa)

arugula, gardening tips, growing vegetables
Useful health properties of arugula vegetables A lot of gardeners and scientists consider that the Arugula vegetable (Eruca sativa) is obtained by more and more popularity as for today. Many farmers and gardeners are growing arugula outdoors and in a greenhouse. This kind of plant is from the family of…

Main tips for pruning trees during the winter

gardening tips, pruning
pruning trees tips
It just seems that the garden almost does not cause troubles. In fact you need to take care of trees paying attention on such kind of things like protection against pests, shelter from frosts during cold days or the forming of the crown in correct way. This all is the…