There are several reasons why every gardener sooner or later installs a greenhouse in his garden. Some of them: the desire to have better food than in the supermarket; spend less money on food; getting healthier organic foods on the table and so on.

The American home-gardening renaissance has started a decade or so ago and is still gaining its power. According to the data provided by the National Gardening Association, it’s hard to say which region tends to be more fond of home gardening, for its fans are spread evenly all across the country, still there’s a slight prevalence of Southeast region which proves to have a greater number of home gardeners compared to the West, Midwest, and Northeast of the US. Current food gardening households demographics shows that most gardeners are female (about 54 percent), aged 45 or older (68 percent), with college diploma and annual income of $50,000.00 or more. Every year the number of households willing to increase the variety and amount of their own fresh produce grows drastically. As stated before, people mostly start their own gardens for a number of reasons. Among them you’ll find a better-tasting food, lowering food expenses, high quality products that are guaranteed to be free from pesticides and, thus, much safer for a gardener and his family.
If you’re new to the idea of home gardening, there are several things you should get to know prior to starting to plant and building your home greenhouse garden. Start by planning out your garden and choosing what you will be utilizing the greenhouse for. Whether it is vegetables, houseplants and or flowers, you will need to draft up a layout and design. Once decision is made you will have to decide where to set your garden. Remember to choose the site that has enough but not too much sunlight, isn’t too windy, and doesn’t make your backyard look too messy. Having this done you can go on with deciding whether you want to grow your produce outdoors, indoors or in a greenhouse. Outdoor garden will only let you harvest home-grown fruits and vegetables in summer and fall. Growing produce indoors can also have disadvantages, one of the main obstacle can be regulating the perfect temperature and humidity condition. Second most common disadvantage is space. You will have to think of some place able to fit in all those pots and containers with plants, that tend to occupy more place as they grow. Having taken all these facts into consideration, take a close look at greenhouses.
Traditionally, greenhouses were made of glass (ex. reclaimed windows) but today polycarbonate greenhouses are becoming more and more popular among gardeners. You may ask why polycarbonate and makes it so attractive? Well, there are a few discernible advantages likely to grab your heart from the moment you make the first step into the brand new shiny greenhouse, full of light. First of all, polycarbonate is less likely to get destroyed by some bird that flies into your greenhouse as an unbidden guest. Take our ClimaPod greenhouses. Each of our greenhouse series has at least 4mm twin polycarbonate walls and roof (‘Virtue’ and ‘Spirit’ offers even more, a 6-mm polycarbonate layer) ready to keep your plants safe and warm all the year round. Apart from being more long-lasting, the PC greenhouses are easily assembled by two-three people in less than a day-long term, which means you won’t have to hire any wageworkers to get it set up in your backyard.
For those who like to keep their garden alive even in winter, the ability to retain warmth would be another argument in polycarbonate’s favor. The average PC layer with thermal insulation value of 1.40-1.60 (compared to that of glass being only around 0.9) will also help you keep your electricity bill much lower. So don’t be afraid to replace the glass walls of your greenhouse with a polycarbonate equivalent. Even though it might seem to be more expensive, it will also last much longer than the glass. For example, each one of ClimaPod greenhouses, be it “Hobby”, “Passion” or “Virtue”, has a 10-year guarantee and, being used carefully, will definitely last two or even three times longer.
It doesn’t really matter whether you want to grow fresh produce all the year round, extend the gardening season or just have a place where you could practice hobby growing. In any of these cases, setting up a greenhouse would be a perfect way out. Just take your time to cover all the bases and make the right choice among the great variety of options available.