Begin Growing Vegetables In A Greenhouse

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Growing vegetables in winter

Some tips about growing vegetables in a greenhouse in winter. Fresh homemade veggies during the cold winter months might appear impossible, but it is not. Set up a small greenhouse next to your garage or house and you are halfway home to having crunchy cucumbers, tangy tomatoes and fresh lettuces for your salads.

Select veg that don’t up plenty of space, taste significantly better homemade than store bought and you like. Squash isn’t a good choice because they are space hogs.

Tomatoes are a good choice because they are able to be tied to a support to keep them tidy and store-bought tomatoes don’t taste almost as good as homegrown. Lettuce works very well as it can be harvested when only 4 inches tall.

Growing Vegetables: tomatoes growing in winter greenhouse
Growing Vegetables: tomatoes growing in winter greenhouse

Fill the peat pots with new potting soil. Mix in slow release manure as the package directs. Water well. Place the seeds on top of the soil, two per pot and cover with quarter inch of soil. Press down gently and mist the top.

Place the pots under the grow lights in the greenhouse to get them going. When they have sprouted and are about 4-inches tall thin to the most powerful seedlings.

Transplant to the 1-gallon pot when the sprouts are 6-inches tall! Replace under the grow lights. Move the grow lights up as the plant grows. Outside veg need 8 hours of sunlight. If the day is cloudy and sun isn’t reaching inside the greenhouse keep the grow lights on longer.

Check the plants for bugs. Mist them off or employ a non harmful house and garden spray meant for veggies.

Fertilize with half strength water soluble fertilizer every two weeks or every 4th watering.

Harvest lettuce or leafy greens like spinach when the leaves are 4-inches long by cutting individual leaves off with the scissors. Trim from the outside. The plant will consider growing and making.

Growing vegetables in greenhouse: winter harvest
Growing vegetables in greenhouse: winter harvest

Brush the flowers of plants like tomatoes and cucumbers with a soft brush so you move the pollen from one flower to another to fertilize them. Another alternative is to use a commercial blossom set product.

Keep ripe vegetables picked so the plant keeps making.

Beans and peas take up lots of space for the quantity of produce they grow.

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