Top 5 mistakes when buying a greenhouse

The most common mistakes when buying a greenhouse

When buying a greenhouse for the first time most people make mistakes. This is natural, since without experience in this area it is difficult to figure everything out right away. But there are a number of mistakes that can be avoided even initially. We will tell you about the most common mistakes when buying a greenhouse below.

1 Blind purchase

9 out of 10 buyers purchase a greenhouse without seeing it in person. 4 out of 10 buyers do not even see it in photographs. The problem is that the client in this case does not even suspect that he does not know about his own preferences. For example, you can ask the seller if he has a 6 meter long polycarbonate greenhouse. They will tell you that there is, and you will be happy with it.

This approach is fundamentally wrong. All greenhouses are different. They have different configurations, the thickness of the metal in the frame, the distance between the arcs, the quality of the parts, etc. Before purchasing, you must decide on the preferred shape of the greenhouse, its dimensions, profile parameters, arc pitch and type of polycarbonate.

And be sure to look at what you buy. If it is impossible to do this live, ask them to at least send you photographs.

2 Unknown manufacturers

Find out who the greenhouse manufacturer is before transferring money to the seller. This information should be open, and if they hide it from you, it means they want to deceive. Any seller selling quality greenhouses will not be afraid to talk about the manufacturer.

Meanwhile, designs from unknown brands are very rarely good. Even if they are much cheaper, we do not recommend choosing them. Yes, you will save on the purchase, but the greenhouse will last you much less than a higher-quality model could. And the harvests are unlikely to be satisfactory.

In this case, it is better to overpay once, but be sure that you will receive a reliable and high-quality greenhouse.

3 Poor quality polycarbonate

A lot of deception occurs when selling polycarbonate. The most important thing when choosing sheathing is to find out who the manufacturer is. If the sheets do not contain manufacturer’s instructions, they are made from recycled materials and are not suitable for use in a greenhouse. Bad polycarbonate can crumble after 2-3 years.

High-quality polycarbonate gives out its transparency and color. If the sheet is cloudy, gray, or has a blue or greenish tint, then the material is bad.

It is also important to pay attention to the thickness of the polycarbonate. For most regions of North America, a thickness of 4 mm is considered optimal. If your region has very harsh winters and high snow loads, the thickness can be increased.

4 Incorrect arc distance

Greenhouse Arc Distance - distance between two adjacent frame elements
Greenhouse Arc Distance – distance between two adjacent frame elements

The distance between the frame arcs is most often either 100 cm (3.3′) or 65 cm (2.1′). The smaller the step, the higher the load-bearing capacity of the greenhouse. If you live in the north and cannot often come to clean the snow from the greenhouse, buy more reliable designs with a reduced arc pitch.

5 No reviews or fake reviews

Frame greenhouses have become very popular in recent years, so many new companies have appeared on the Internet advertising their products. To have an idea which one is reliable and which one is not, read reviews about the brand. Just do this not on the official website, but on independent sites with reviews or on social networks. Gardening is a very popular hobby and people are happy to share their impressions of buying a greenhouse with photos. There you can get much more relevant and truthful information.

Durable and reliable Climapod greenhouses


Climapod Spirit 7×7, 7×12, 7×14 and 7×21 Greenhouse Series With 6-mm Polycarbonate




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