Year-round greens growing

We add a variety of greens in almost all the dishes on our table. In winter, juicy greens provide a joyful mood and improve appetite. Let’s figure out in greens growing.

You can grow greens by your own easily. In the summer, it is simply planted in the garden, and in winter, greenhouses will be needed for this. Since it is quite difficult to build an industrial design greenhouse, many gardeners build simple glass and polycarbonate greenhouses in their summer cottages. In such a structure, you can grow beautiful greenery, as in the garden.

It happens that greenhouse greenery is even better than garden greenery, because it is not treated with chemicals, it is not afraid of acid rain and industrial pollution. In addition, growing greens in the winter is economically viable.


Greenhouse all year round greens growing technology

Growing greenhouse onions

Onions in the greenhouse can be planted year-round. It is very rich in vitamins, it is able to strengthen the body’s defenses in cold winter time.

growing green onions in a greenhouse
growing green onions in a greenhouse

To grow beautiful chives, you should choose the right variety. Suitable for this variety of varieties: Trinity and Spassky. Bulbs should be medium – 3-5 cm in diameter. When planting onions in a greenhouse, you can harvest ahead of schedule.

Initially dig and fertilize the beds. Plant onions should be until October 15, that is, before the onset of cold weather. The onion must take root. At the onset of cold weather, we cover the seedlings with straw and manure. So the bow will winter. In late March – early April, insulation must be removed, and seedlings covered with a film. If you water and fertilize onions, then at the beginning of May you will already get greens.

When growing green onions in a greenhouse with heating, there are certain nuances. You should use boxes that should be filled with soil and peat. Before planting, the bulb must be heated to 40 degrees, cut off the neck. This method will provide a wonderful crop. You need to plant onions closely. It is require watering and nitrogen fertilizers. In the daytime, the temperature in the greenhouse should reach + 20С, and in the night time interval – + 15С. This will provide an opportunity to collect greens after a month.

Greens Growing: Cultivation of Beijing cabbage and lettuce

Lettuce is planted in the soil, if it does not freeze in the greenhouse in the winter, and in boxes with soil. Lettuce should be sown in rows, the distance between them is 20 cm, the sowing depth is about 1 cm, in the greenhouse we keep the temperature regime of 15-18 degrees. It is required to water greens, we loosen the earth, weeds are removed. Fertilize the ground a couple of times. To do this, dissolve 10 g of complex fertilizers in 5 liters of water.

growing lettuce in a greenhouse
growing lettuce in a greenhouse

Peking cabbage is also grown. Harvest can be harvested after 3 weeks, as the vegetable has sprouted.

Planting dill in a greenhouse

Greenhouse dill is bred as a sealant or as an independent crop. Before planting, you should soak seeds for 3-4 days, and change the water every day. Then the seeds need to be dried. Dill as a sealant grows in 50 days, as an independent crop in 60 days. Planted sprouted dill seeds should be in early spring or in the autumn.

growing dill in a greenhouse
growing dill

To keep the greens constantly, you can sow dill every month. This is an unpretentious crop, therefore, it can be sown in continuous rows after 30-40 cm. We place dill at a depth of 2 cm. When the plant sprouts, the soil should be moist.

Growing parsley all year round

Parsley has a lot of vitamin C, which is very necessary in the winter. For a good harvest we use light and rich land. Parsley is not afraid of the cold, you can plant it in the last days of August. We make grooves on the ground, water them abundantly and place the plant in them to the depth of the root length. In the greenhouse we keep the temperature of 15-28 degrees. Parsley is drip irrigated using a watering can or spray gun.

growing parsley in a greenhouse
growing parsley

Growing greens all year round is a feasible goal, follow our recommendations and you will surely succeed.

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four season growinggreenhouse growinggreensgrowing vegetables