organic gardening

Eco-Friendly Greenhouse: Power Up with Biofuel Made from Trash

biofuel, greenhouse heating, organic gardening, warm bed
Save Money, Grow More: Biofuel from Scraps for Your Greenhouse
You can set up bio-heating in your greenhouse and start growing organic vegetables and greens in your garden even in cold weather. Horse manure is a traditional greenhouse biofuel. However, the times when it was easy to get it in villages and towns are long gone. Most likely, you will…

5 fastest green manure for the fall

greenhouse gardening, organic gardening
What green manure to sow in the fall
What green manure to sow in the fall For autumn plantings, choose cold-resistant, frost-resistant and quickly gaining green mass crops. They will perfectly prepare the soil for the next season. The main principle when choosing green manure for sowing in the fall is that plants from the same family cannot…

Features of sowing green manure in the fall

organic gardening
green manure crop in the fall
As soon as you harvest from the beds, sow green manure in the fall. This is a great alternative to chemical fertilizers. They enrich the soil, suppress the growth of weeds, and prevent the spread of diseases. And a great option for lovers of natural farming. (more…)

Green House Gardening – A Tip For Organic Vegetable Garden

growing vegetables, organic gardening
organic vegetable garden tips
Wide variety of methods for greenhouse gardening allows for the cultivation of vegetables, ornamental plants and flowers that cannot be grown outside because of the climate conditions and is widely used in organic food production such as with hydroponic. Others just want to cultivate plants that are sensitive to the…