How to Move a Greenhouse: A Complete Guide for Gardeners

How to Move a Greenhouse: A Complete Guide for Gardeners

A polycarbonate greenhouse is a durable, long-lasting structure that, with proper care, will last more than 20 years. During this time, a lot can change in the layout of a garden plot. The threat to the safety of the frame due to overgrown trees, annoying animals, soil depletion due to growing the same crops – these are several reasons to think about moving the greenhouse to a new location.

Preparing the site

Before dismantling, a new location is prepared for the greenhouse. To ensure that your greenhouse lasts a long time and pleases you with a rich harvest every year, follow these rules.

  1. choose a sunny area for the greenhouse;
  2. install the frame 5-10 feet from the fence, house, trees and other agricultural buildings;
  3. the area for the frame should be level without holes and slopes;
  4. if you are installing your greenhouse in the ground, you need to dig holes for the foundation posts in advance.

Dismantling the greenhouse for moving to a new location

Polycarbonate greenhouses are attached to the ground or to the foundation. Dig and bury the T-shaped ends (if they are included in your kit) in the new location when reinstalling your greenhouse in the ground. If the greenhouse frame is mounted on a bar or concrete, then the legs are usually not used. They will be required if the structure was previously on a foundation, and after the move it will be installed without a foundation.

Do I need to remove the greenhouse covering when moving

The polycarbonate is not removed without special need, even if the greenhouse is moved in parts.

Please note! If the greenhouse is moved with the covering, it is not left unattended in the new location until it is secured in the ground, otherwise the structure may be carried away by a gust of wind.

If there is no other way out, then the covering is carefully removed.

If the polycarbonate is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, then when re-installing, try to hit the ready-made holes. After attaching the polycarbonate to the frame, there should be no gaps, otherwise the greenhouse will lose its tightness.

Do not leave the honeycombs open! Moisture accumulates there, grass grows, and insects get inside, causing mold to appear in the honeycombs and fungus to develop. The coating becomes cloudy and light transmittance is impaired. To prevent this from happening, cover the edges of the polycarbonate with a profile or perforated tape.

How to move a greenhouse to another location

Moving Climapod Spirit 7x7 greenhouse
Moving Climapod Spirit 7×7 greenhouse

The greenhouse must be moved carefully, without damaging the frame and coating in the process.

Structures from 7 to 14 feet long are not disassembled. Four people are needed for the work. The foundation posts are dug out, and the greenhouse is moved to a new location, holding it by the corners. With a length of 21-42 feet, it is more difficult. The main danger when moving large greenhouses is that the polycarbonate can crack. Assess your strength before work. The weight of one section with an end can reach 30 to 75 pounds. It depends on the profile material, the thickness of the polycarbonate and the additional accessories that you installed in your greenhouse earlier.

When transporting the structure to another site, or when the frame cannot be moved entirely due to the landscape features of the site, you should completely or partially disassemble the greenhouse. At least two people will be needed to move one part. Try to choose windless weather for the work to reduce the risk of accidental damage to your greenhouse and avoid possible injuries.

How to secure a greenhouse in a new place

How to Move a Greenhouse: Greenhouse wood base
How to Move a Greenhouse: Greenhouse wood base

When installing a greenhouse in a new site, check that the diagonals between opposite corners are the same length, and all horizontal parts are installed parallel to the ground and to each other. To check, use a tape measure or string and a building level.

Securely secure the frame of your greenhouse to the ground or foundation. It should stand straight and not wobble. Doors and vents should be level, without distortions, open easily and not catch on the covering. If your greenhouse provides for the use of seals, make sure that they lie level and do not stick out. The temperature regime in the structure depends on this.

Please note! After installing the greenhouse, there should be no gaps between the covering and the frame.


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