Heating systems for greenhouses

greenhouse heating tips

Types of the greenhouse heating. The features and differences

In order to grow such kind of vegetables as tomatoes or cucumbers and other different types of vegetables in the greenhouse during winter period it is necessary to use greenhouse heating inside. To make greenhouse business successful and profitable you should keep tracking the level of temperature regime acceptable for plants. For creating of this regime it is necessary to implement the heating system inside the greenhouse. The qualitative heating systems that meet the necessary requirements will be able to give rich harvest to the owners of the greenhouse.

At this moment there are several ways the heating of the greenhouse can be done:

  • Infrared heating system;
  • Water heating system;
  • Gas heating system.

For the installation of this type of heating system it is necessary that there should be setup the gas pipeline lines that will deliver gas to the greenhouse. The air will be heated and then flows through the ducts into the greenhouse by the heat generator . The heating system should also have measuring and control devices as well as a regulating system. This system has many advantages in the form of certain amount of carbon dioxide which is necessary for plant growth. But there are also disadvantages in the form of too dry air which have to be additionally moistened. If the greenhouse has a small growing area then instead of the gas pipeline you can use gas cylinders.


Infrared greenhouse heating

infrared greenhouse heating
infrared greenhouse heating

To use this type of greenhouse heating system is more expensive but it consists only of the infrared emitter and the temperature controller that works automatically. The advantage of this system is that it heats the soil, the walls of the greenhouse and plants inside the greenhouse while the oxygen keeps unburned. You should note that this type of the heating system does not produce emissions into the atmosphere. The choice of the radiator directly depends on the required area for heating.


Water heating of greenhouse

water heating system for greenhouse
water heating system for greenhouse

To equip this heating system the boiler should warm up the water working on gas. The boiler must have a special tap which will throw the combustion products into the atmosphere. The further device practically does not differ from system of water heating in еру houses and apartments. With the help of the pump the water arrives though pipes and constantly circulates. In order for the heating to be effective it is necessary to have several circuits for water heating system. In this case both soil and air will be heated separately.


Selecting the greenhouse heater

Unfortunately the greenhouses have a little resistance to cold since they are made of transparent materials as for example polycarbonate. This is the main reason why the heating costs a so large. We suggest to find certain cost saving solutions that will reduce the cost of heating even on the stage of construction of the greenhouse. There is one of the most common solutions that we would like to give you is to pay attention on the location of the greenhouse. It is better to place it in a sunny and windproof place.


The choice of heating system is also not simple at all. It is necessary to consider the following factors as:

  • the budget issue;
  • the space of the greenhouse;
  • the type of soil;
  • types of the plants that will be growing;
  • the type of lighting system used.

We can notice that the most common heating system is water heating at this moment. In this case the main principles of the design of water heating system are pretty much clear. In this case plants grow better because of the evenly distribution of heat when you are using this type of heating system.

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greenhouse heatingwinter greenhouse