Growing Sweet Peas In A Home Greenhouse

sweet peas

Here’s what you should do if you decide to grow sweet peas in your greenhouse. Place the vertical strands about 4 inches apart. They are slip-knotted to the top wire, one turn around the 16″ and 10″ wires. You need to pull them tight enough and tie them with a slipknot to the bottom wire.

How to properly tie in a greenhouse

It is best to tie a few strings near the center first and work toward the ends. This will tend to keep all the strings fairly tight. But it may be found necessary to go back and tighten some of them.

Sweet peas in greenhouse
Sweet peas in greenhouse

Unfasten the three lower wires between the crops and their lanyards at one end. And carefully fold and tie the ik to the vertical support at the other end. The strings usually last two seasons. Divide them into about four groups after unfastening them from the bottom three wires, gather the bottom halves of each group together. You need to tie them in a loose knot and let them hang from the top wire until they are needed again.

growing sweet peas
growing sweet peas

Most seed catalogues list a class of sweet pea referred to as Early Flowering. And the description generally states that these varieties “are valuable for winter flowering under glass” or that they are “popular as home greenhouse subjects,” to quote two.

This is the variety I grow in my greenhouse, and the following six varieties I have used lately: Joseph, pink salmon; Red man; Crimson; Christmas triumph, pink and white; Kate Smith, scarlet; White giant, white; Tahoe blue.

Sweet pea blooms with gorgeous beautiful flowers


The advantages of growing sweet peas

  • Unpretentious care.
  • Suitable for creating arch compositions.
  • There are many variations of colors and varieties.
  • You can grow it on your balcony.
  • Perfectly shading arbors and verandas.
  • Long shoots grow rapidly, from them you can form a variety of compositions.
  • Characteristic aroma.
  • Long flowering period.
  • Resistance to frosts, can withstand temperatures as low as -5º C.
  • Suitable for creating bouquets and for cutting.
  • Long keeps freshness and aroma.

Recommendations for the successful cultivation of sweet peas in a greenhouse

  1. Pre-soaking the seeds in hot water and piercing the peel for faster germination of the sprout.
  2. After the appearance of the first sprout, you can immediately plant it in the prepared soil.
  3. Sweet Peas prefer peaty and loose soil with a neutral level of acidity in the greenhouse.
  4. From fertilizers it is better to use potash or phosphate, but not nitrogen.
  5. Do not use fresh manure, the plant may die.
  6. The best seedling method for sweet peas growing is in separate pots.
  7. Replant the plant in open ground with the onset of warm weather. Remember that at the same time, seedlings are extremely sensitive to possible frosts and waterlogging.
  8. The root system does not like excessive waterlogging, so nearby groundwater can be an obstacle to successful cultivation.
  9. The plant loves fenced from drafts places with sufficient light.
  10. The formation of flower arrangements is possible in the presence of closely spaced vertical supports.
  11. You should definitely tie tall varieties of sweet peas with twine.
  12. If the plant is planted near a fence or wall, props may not be needed.
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four season growinggrowing plantssweet peas