Novice gardeners often make a number of annoying gardening mistakes, and neither the owners of plots located in sunny places, nor the happy owners of plots with good soil are immune from them! What are the most common mistakes of beginner gardeners?
Top gardening mistakes
Gardening Mistake 1: Incorrect and too frequent watering
Absolutely any plant needs sufficient moisture for growth and development – this is an indisputable fact. But you should not be overzealous in this matter either! But many beginners, having planted various crops, immediately begin to water them generously and enthusiastically. In this case, it is important to try not to give your plants as much as possible, but to try to imagine their true needs. After all, an excess of moisture sometimes leads to much more detrimental consequences than its deficiency – this is the development of pathogenic microflora in the soil, and rotting of the root system, and a lot of other troubles. So do not forget that everything is good in moderation!

The best time for watering is considered to be sunset. But in broad daylight, when the sun is quite high, it is highly undesirable to water the vegetation. Droplets of water falling on the leaves begin to work like a magnifying glass, and as a result, the delicate, vulnerable greenery can easily get seriously burned. If you water your green pets late in the evening, when it is quite cool outside, fungus can begin to develop on the soil.
Gardening Mistake 2: Excessively dense plantings

The desire to grow as much of a harvest as possible often entails an unjustifiably close proximity of plants in the beds. And too dense plantings are always very weak plants, which in turn are easily affected by all sorts of pests and diseases. So do not overly thicken the plantings – this is exactly the case when less is better and, as strange as it may sound, less = more! A smaller number of plants on a plot, located at a certain distance from each other, will grow much healthier than their relatives planted too close to each other. And this means that the harvests in this case will be more abundant!
Distance between tomatoes in a greenhouse: crop planting scheme
Gardening Mistake 3: Planting crops next to each other that are “not friends”
Even among plants there are both friends and enemies – almost like with people! Plants-friends help each other to develop better and protect themselves from various pests, and plants-enemies do the same, only the other way around. And do not underestimate this fact, otherwise you will have to see it for yourself from your own far from positive experience! It is better to thoroughly study the plant compatibility table and strictly follow these rules!
Crop rotation or which plants after which to grow in the garden
Gardening Mistake 4: The desire to grow everything at once
Beginning gardeners often think that they are able to move mountains, and they enthusiastically begin to sow their plot with a truly incredible number of the most diverse crops. Do not do this! The fact is that different crops have their own agricultural technology of cultivation, sometimes unique to them, and can differ greatly, because it also depends on a number of different characteristics of the site (soil quality, depth of groundwater, amount of light, etc.). So in any case, you should always start small. And after the basic wisdom and subtleties of agricultural technology have been successfully mastered, you can gradually take “acceleration”, gradually adding new crops and new varieties to the site!
Any of these gardening mistakes can significantly reduce both the volume of crops and their quality, so it is very important to try to avoid them! We recommend You to subscribe to our newsletters of fresh articles. So you will be among the first to learn about new interesting articles and useful tips on growing in greenhouses and gardening.