After you decide to install a greenhouse, you need to choose the right location for the greenhouse and orient it to the cardinal points. If you install the greenhouse in the right place, it will create good conditions for your plants inside the greenhouse. It will also save you a lot of time when servicing the greenhouse.
Main tips of greenhouse location
Usually there is not enough space on the land with enough sunlight during the day and the land has quite limited place with good soil. Of course, all of that could be easier if you would be farmer-industrialist or if you would own a large plot in the open field. And if you would also consider the logistics issue which is the location of future greenhouse, taking into attention the opportunity of physical access to it. The connection of communications and power lines are important things to consider too. After all of that there will be very few successful places which can meet the requirements of erecting a greenhouse.
You as a future owner should also do not forget to take into the consideration the aesthetic side of the issue of what kind of view will have the greenhouse at the new place. Therefore, the location of the greenhouse construction is rather important factor determining both the convenience of further use of the greenhouse and the degree of functionality of the greenhouse room.
So as described before the quantity of sunlight that will enter the greenhouse during the day is the most important design thing about the location of the greenhouse. Many flowering plants require maximum possible amount of light for successful growth.
For these types of plants a stand-alone greenhouse should be located the following way: one of its walls should be faced to the south-east side, and the neighboring wall should be faced to the south-west side. Later if you are going to transplant vegetables and flowering plants into an outside garden you should follow the main rule that these plants and vegetables should receive maximum heat and light especially in spring season (so that you can transplant the fully ripe crops till the beginning of summer). Those plants that need less sunlight should be located in that part of the greenhouse where the wall faced to the east side.
The peculiarities of the location of the greenhouse in relation to the sides of the world are connected with the fact that the sun rises in the east side and sets in the west side. The most amount of heat accumulates in the greenhouse closer to evening time when the sun leave the zenith and begins to descend in the sky toward to the east side of the world. Naturally everyone will have a question: why greenhouse cannot be located strictly on compass coordinates so that its walls look at the sides of the world?

Due to the rotation of the earth the fact is that during the calendar year the places of sunrise and sunset are slightly shifted relative to the north and south. Therefore, we advise you to arrange the greenhouse diagonally relative to the coordinates of the compass. And always remember that the northern side of the greenhouse will always receive less sunlight than other sides. The greenhouse should be located away from objects that will block out sunlight such as trees, buildings and so on.

Also, make sure that the greenhouse is erected on a flat surface relative to the ground. Otherwise, the level of the foundation of the future greenhouse should be leveled. Ideally the greenhouse should be located on the terrain, which is above the sea level at an average altitude. The level should not be much higher and not much lower.
There should be no problems with drainage of the soil on the location of the greenhouse. Other words the water should be free to go down without stopping. In the case when the water will not go down through soil you should take care of the artificial system of soil drainage.
You should also consider the access of air inside the greenhouse. The greenhouse should be air-blown by air masses from all sides. So the best option is to build a greenhouse with enough distance from all other objects and buildings. Again do not forget about the logistics, the location of the greenhouse should be convenient for you to use.