greenhouse service

How to Move a Greenhouse: A Complete Guide for Gardeners

greenhouse assembly, greenhouse location, greenhouse service, greenhouse tips
How to Move a Greenhouse: A Complete Guide for Gardeners
A polycarbonate greenhouse is a durable, long-lasting structure that, with proper care, will last more than 20 years. During this time, a lot can change in the layout of a garden plot. The threat to the safety of the frame due to overgrown trees, annoying animals, soil depletion due to…

Calendar of work in the greenhouse for the fall

autumn greenhouse, greenhouse service
Calendar of work in the greenhouse for the fall
Greenhouses made of polycarbonate, glass, films “worked” all summer long so that you get a rich harvest. With the onset of cold weather, it’s time to put it in order. To help you – a detailed greenhouse work in fall calendar with the main stages of work! (more…)

The right way to care of the greenhouse

greenhouse care, greenhouse service
Polycarbonate is the best option to use for your country house greenhouse. Do you know how to care about your polycarbonate greenhouse? (more…)