Features of installing a greenhouse without a foundation

If the gardener is going to operate the greenhouse only from May to September, it is better to abandon the foundation. In addition to tangible cost savings, this will also save time. You can mount a lightweight polycarbonate greenhouse in just a couple of days by your own hands, except with the help of one assistant. If necessary, it can be moved to another place. At the end of the summerit’s easy to disassemble greenhouse without a foundation. So you don’t have to remove snow from its roof in winter.


Features of installing a greenhouse without a foundation
Features of installing a ClimaPod greenhouse without a foundation

So that a strong gust of wind does not harm the economy, a light greenhouse is fixed in the ground using metal or wooden T-shaped fasteners. You can make the lower harness from a wooden beam for weighting. You can bury such a beam or a log in the ground and attach the base of the greenhouse to it – but it’s already a foundation that will deprive it of mobility and increase the time and money. Installation should be done in the autumn after the end of all agricultural work, or in the early spring. So that you can safely move around the site without fear of trampling the plants. The air temperature should be at least 10 degrees Celsius, otherwise polycarbonate will not be elastic.

Choosing a fertile place for Greenhouse location

It is very important to choose the right place for the greenhouse. The site should be flat, not shaded, at a distance of 3 meters there should be no buildings or large trees. Trees create not only shade, their root system will interfere with the development of plants in the greenhouse, and nearby buildings contribute to the appearance of drafts.

Choosing a fertile place

The greenhouse needs to be oriented to the cardinal points. The correct location will be from east to west in length. Then one wide side will always face south, and this will provide the greatest amount of sunlight.

What to do with soil

When choosing a place you need to explore the soil. To do this, it is recommended to dig a special pit with dimensions of 70 cm by 70 cm and a depth of 1 meter 20 cm. Now you need to determine the type of soil. This is easy to do if you take it in a handful and try to make a ball. It turned out to roll up a ball or sausage – there is a lot of clay. It did not work out – sandy soil. Sand is a very good basis for greenhouse soil: it lets water through, its excess will not allow the roots to rot. If the clay soil – it will have to be replaced.

To replace the soil under the greenhouse, you need to dig a pit with a depth of at least 70 cm and fill it with 40 cm sand. Leave the upper 30 cm to fill with a fertile mixture. In addition, it would be nice to know the depth of groundwater. If they are found higher in the pit, you will have to make drainage grooves to drain excess water.

Installation tips

If you have already chosen a place for the greenhouse, all the elements of the frame are made by yourself or bought ready-made and brought to the place, you can proceed with installation. You need to start with the preparation of the place. At the selected place with prepared soil, it is recommended to mark the site of the desired size. Do this with wooden pegs and rope. Next, the place is leveled, turf and protruding mounds and hillocks are removed. It is advisable to check the horizontal position using the building spirit level. There should be no differences in height of more than 5 cm. Particular attention is paid to a half-meter strip along the perimeter. The rest can be aligned later.

ClimaPod Passion Greenhouse Kit
ClimaPod Passion Greenhouse Kit

To determine the outer edge of the trench, 30 cm are measured from the indicated line. A line is drawn with a shovel or pin on the ground. We tear out a trench 30 cm wide and depth, which depends on the length of the legs of the greenhouse. We expect so that the bottom frame of the frame towers 10 cm above the ground. If we are going to install a greenhouse on a beam, the depth and width of the trench depends on the size of the beam. The bottom of the trench should be tamped a little and check its horizontality, so that then the frame does not warp.

ClimaPod Greenhouse
ClimaPod Greenhouse

It’s time to protect the greenhouse from weeds and pests. To do this, you need to overlay the outer wall of the trench with some solid material, for example, slate or roofing material. They say that after 3-4 years wheat grass will nevertheless overcome such a barrier. So, if the greenhouse remains in the same place, you should update the protection.

climapod winter greenhouse 2019
climapod winter greenhouse 2019

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greenhouse assembly